Our profile
MGM, is a privately and contracting company founded in 2006 with wide variety of services that provides customers satisfaction.
MGM, is a Building contracting company specializing in the construction of buildings and interior décors.
Our comprehensive knowledge, procedures, combined with a working relationship, uniquely allows us to provide reliable and expeditious services to our clients.
About Us
As more corporations downsize, and/or restructure due to the economic climate, there is an increasing need for specialty companies to provide their services on an as needed basis. This allows corporations to become more competitive due to manpower reductions. MGM is not burdened with the high operating expenses of larger firms. This allows the company to offer its services at very competitive rates.
Our Mission & Vision
To be a global leader in Manufacturing, maitenace and delivery of high value added quality products and services for the construction industry.
To achieve customer recognition and stakeholder satisfaction by committing to the highest level of performance with integrity, creativity and a passion for results.
Al Nakhal Street, Building-72 1st Floor, Office-04